After A Heavy Snow
By Parker Po-Fei Huang
A bank of whiteness
Is all I see. Have I
tossed away the world
or the world me? Or
is it just a single
moment that I stand on
a sheer precipice
with clouds passing
through me?
Some mists sweep the
sky. Some stars elicit
serenity. I feel that
I am gathering the
reflections of a flower
in the water and that of
the moon in the mirror—
no scent, no motion,
yet I sense eternity.
I stop breathing lest
I wake myself. From
where, of what world,
have I come here? I
turn my head and see
there are only footprints
that follow me.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Yvonne Lau Memories
Parker Huang's Last English Poem

This poem was the last English poem written by Parker Huang discovered by his family in one of his notebooks.
The style of this poem is classical Tang Dynasty; 4 lines, with
rhyming in lines 1, 2 and 4. He has harmonized the Tang with the
The humor is purely American.
Jim Koors Memories
Ben, your father was one of my teachers at Yale between I took the Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Chinese courses. Despite your father's best efforts, I never learned the Cantonese dialect, due to my tin ear or other inability to distinguish tones.
He was indeed a great teacher, I mourn his passing, and he will be remembered in my prayers.....Jim Koors
Alice Visel Memories
I remember that everyone in my family loved watching him do Tai Chi in the driveway often. I always bragged about my smart neighbors! I remember that when Marion bought a motorcycle my father thought that if he told her she could not keep it in our yard that she would get rid of it. But your Dad allowed her to park it in your yard! And my Dad stayed friends with your Dad! I remember that my father was always impressed by yours because of his education and connection with Yale. Yet your Dad made me feel that he was just as impressed by my Dad for being able to fix a car or anything else and the fact that my Dad really enjoyed yard work. Those were the days! I loved them and I'm grateful to you and your family for being such a major part of them. Marion and I took a Tai Chi course a few years ago but I didn't stick with it. In honor and remembrance of your Dad I'm going to start doing it again.
Love, Alice